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First Congregational Church of San Francisco (FCC)

Address   1300 Polk Street
          San Francisco, CA  94109
Voice     (415) 441-8901

An inclusive community of faith in the heart of the city - where Lower Nob Hill meets the Tenderloin and Little Saigon.

We believe that spirituality and faith are less about fear and control, and more about connection and compassion and hope and love.

We are an Open and Affirming congregation. What does that mean? It means that we believe in the sacred worth of every human being! We celebrate, affirm, empower, honor and welcome the glorious diversity of lived experience, gender identities, sexual orientations, cultures, abilities, races and ages of humanity! Everyone is welcome to participate in communion, leadership, membership and worship!

Index Keys
justice       religion       sexual minorities

This entry's contact information was last verified in October of 2023.

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