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California Center for Land Recycling (CCLR ("see clear"))

Address   200 Pine Street, Suite 400
          San Francisco, CA  94104
Voice     (415) 398-1080
Fax       (415) 398-5738

A statewide nonprofit organization focused on creating sustainable communities by identifying and implementing responsible patterns of land use and development. Mission is to encourage and facilitate land recycling in ways that revitalize urban areas, discourage urban sprawl and conserve greenspace. Focuses on sites that are idle, abandoned, underutilized, or contaminated (or perceived to be contaminated), known as 'brownfields'.

Index Keys
brownfields       conservation       distribution of wealth       environmental justice       housing       land reform       land use       legislation       low-income       multiculturalism       people of color       policy       pollution       research       reuse       sustainability       technical assistance       toxics       urban life       urban sprawl

This entry's contact information was last verified in December of 2007.

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